Creating Wakes


Every boat that moves through the water leaves a wake behind it.  Depending on the design of the hull, horse power of the engine, speed, weight etc., all boats leave a different type of wake.  The same is true for people.  We all leave a wake behind us as well, consisting of two sides, tasks and relationships.  Here are a few thoughts about each: 

The Task

Do you leave a wake of goals being achieved?  Profits being made? Growth of the business or the deal people are working on with you.  The mission being accomplished?  Cleaner operations?  Do your vendors and subcontractors have a better business for having worked with you?  Did you leave your company or team better than when you found it?

The Relationships

We leave the effects our interactions with people behind on their hearts, minds and souls.  When you look back at your wake, are people smiling, laughing and water skiing?  Are their lives enriched from you having moved through their lives?  Or, are they bobbing for air, wounded as shark bait?  Would they have been better off if you had never moved through their lives?  Just as in the task side, there are results in the relationship side.  Are people more trusting after working with you?  Are they more fulfilled?  Have they grown as a result of being associated with you?  Were they stretched, inspired and encouraged? Did your relationship cause them to produce more and become more? 

As you move through life, I encourage you to think about the wake that you leave behind.


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