Swift Straw Blog

Peace be with You

God, Sunday Blog, Faith

From Jesus Calling:

Perfect Understanding

God, Sunday Blog, Faith

From Jesus Calling:

Beauty From Ashes

God, Sunday Blog, Faith

From Jesus Calling:

Law of The Spirit

God, Sunday Blog, Faith

From Jesus Calling:

Act of Faith

God, Sunday Blog, Faith

From Jesus Calling:

Continual Joy

God, Sunday Blog, Faith

From Jesus Calling:

Wise Words

God, Sunday Blog, Faith

From Jesus Calling:


achievement, perseverence, success

What do Michael Phelps and Mike Tyson have in common? After hearing each of them in separate interviews, they both mentioned that they had a coach around the age of 12-13 that told them they could be the best in the world at their sport. Up until that point, neither of them had ever thought about...

Obsessive Planning

God, Sunday Blog, Faith

You tend to peer anxiously into the day that is before you, trying to figure out what to do, and when. Vast quantities of time and energy are wasted on obsessive planning. Relax and let Me lead you through this day. When you let Me direct your steps, you are set free to enjoy Me and to find what I...

Attitude of Gratitude

Faith, fulfillment, humility

Jesus Calling:

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