Maximum Strength

leadership, business

In order to achieve optimal performance, we need to reflect on and create awareness around the activities that energize us and the activities that drain us. Top performers rely on that knowledge so they can major in their strengths and protect themselves from their weaknesses. 

Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton from the Gallup Organization said:

“You will excel only by maximizing your strengths, never by fixing your weaknesses. This is not the same as saying 'ignore your weaknesses.' The people we described did not ignore their weaknesses. Instead, they did something much more effective. They found ways to manage around their weaknesses, thereby freeing them up to hone their strengths to a sharper point. Each of them did it a little differently. Pam liberated herself by hiring an outside consultant to write the strategic plan. Bill Gates did something similar. He selected a partner, Steve Ballmer, to run the company, allowing him to return to software development and rediscover his strength path.”

I challenge you to make the time to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses. Then create an action plan that maximizes your strengths and manages around your weaknesses. 


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