Swift Straw Blog

Leadership Insights from Frank Blake

leadership, business

Frank Blake was the CEO of The Home Depot from 2007 to 2014. During that time The Home Depot tripled in value and became one of the most successful retailers in the world. Here are some of the highlights from a recent interview with Andy Stanley: 

Wisdom from Daymond John

leadership, relationships, business

I recently listened to an interview on Lewis Howe’s School of Greatness with Shark Tank legend Daymond John. Here are a few highlights:

Customer Obsessed


Through the growth and appreciation of Amazon, Jeff Bezos has become one of the wealthiest and most influential people on earth. He shares some insights into his philosophy in a recent interview titled “Lessons in Management at I.A. Gala 2017.” Here are some of the highlights:

Fair and Balanced

leadership, business

When I purchased my first house years ago, I remember the excitement on move-in day. As I walked into our empty house, my excitement quickly melted away when an odor led us to find that the master bathroom and bedroom had flooded the night before. You can imagine how frustrated I was that the...

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