Swift Straw Blog


achievement, perseverence, success

What do Michael Phelps and Mike Tyson have in common? After hearing each of them in separate interviews, they both mentioned that they had a coach around the age of 12-13 that told them they could be the best in the world at their sport. Up until that point, neither of them had ever thought about...

The Long Game

improvement, perseverence, learning

The other day I heard a great interview with Jeff Bezos. Here are a few takeaways:

Embrace Being Wrong

achievement, improvement, perseverence, success, purpose, learning

This year we opened up a new harvesting operation in Mississippi. Since the terrain is totally different than anything we have ever worked in before, we had to discover and create an entirely new process from scratch. Over the last few months we have worked tirelessly, testing different types of...

What do you Tolerate?

perseverence, purpose

“Remember that we all get exactly what we tolerate.  So stop tolerating excuses within yourself, limiting beliefs of the past, or fearful states.”  Tony Robbins

Making the Impossible, Possible

team building, failure, perseverence

This past weekend was opening day of the 2018 deer season. There were three trophy bucks harvested with a bow which marks the best opening day that we have ever had. If you have been following the “Spring Creek Coop” for the last few years you might think that we have always had world class hunting...

United We Stand

perseverence, honor

On this 9/11, I hope you will take a minute to reflect on the where you were 17 years ago when two planes struck the World Trade Center.  Our country was attacked by an outside enemy. 

A Healthy Challenge

failure, improvement, perseverence

A few weeks ago I passed my written pilot exam which means that it is time to prepare for my final check ride. The final check ride is held by an FAA designated examiner where a student pilot is tested for knowledge and skills in executing a number of key maneuvers in the air. As part of the...

Play Your Hand

strength, perseverence, learning

After battling cancer for years, Randy Pausch received the fateful news that the cancer had returned and he only had a few months to live.  Randy spent the last month of his life delivering his final message to the world.  Here are a few takeaways:

The Emotional Paradox

relationships, business, achievement, perseverence, success, negotiation

As a follow up to my previous blog titled “Tactical Empathy”, there are several paradoxical principles when it comes to mastering the art of negotiation: 

Tactical Empathy

relationships, business, achievement, perseverence, success, negotiation

Chris Voss is a world renowned FBI hostage negotiator. In his book “Never Split the Difference”, he teaches the principles that helped him work through some of the most intense, dangerous and life threatening situations imaginable. One of the first principles is rooted in an understanding that...

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